Thursday, June 2, 2011

Random Thoughts: Drops of water make an ocean

"Drops of water make an ocean" is something many of us keep using frequently and no doubt nature at every moment reflects the same.. From a small idea that grows into a phenomenon capable of transforming millions of lives, From a small seed that gradually grows into a giant tree, from an insignificant stream of water that gathers force to form rivers capable of sweeping across cities.....everything is a gradual assimilation over a sustained period....
I say the above things because somehow in daily life we tend to ignore these small droplets of water and thus miss out/reduce the possibility of the formation of an ocean.... Was having a discussion with a couple of friends and we were discussing the difference that each of us could make to society. And my case here is specifically of the youngsters involved in the IT industry (Although this will be applicable to others too.) The IT industry is a highly potent force which both at an Organizational level and at an individual level can make a huge difference to the society around.. Here are few things that I think each of us can involve ourselves in, depending on our convenience and abilities:

  • Contributing at least 5% of our salary towards charity, every month: There are a lot of genuine Organizations working for the less privileged and they need all the help (I should rather say "duty") that we can give. Because finally a society's greatness is NOT judged by merely the grandeur of its elite but by the security and respect that the weakest and the less fortunate enjoy.. And it is the responsibility of all of us in helping improve their condition
  • Spending at least 2 hrs during the weekend at a place where there are underprivileged kids: "The children of today are the citizens of tomorrow." If we need informed, socially proactive, concerned citizens, the molding has to start early. The first step towards this is "By giving them things to dream about." None of us can deny the power of dreams. And to such children, who see nothing but squalor and suffering, constant interaction with even common people like me is enough to ignite their dreams and set them towards the same. Because in us youngsters, they see a reflection of "themselves in the years to come."
  • Consciously trying to "discuss" positive ideas for at least 10 minutes everyday: An impression made on wet clay lasts forever. And what better time than "Youth" to get our convictions right and strong. In our daily rush and in our eagerness to explore the world, we tend to forget that sometimes it is also necessary to "Hold back" and to try and get our foundations right. So, to be more forthcoming from my side, what I mean here is that it is also necessary to discuss things apart from the usual "woman and money" topics... Such discussions in fact broaden our horizon of understanding of things around us and the best part is that it creates a closely knit group of friends united by common ideals.
  • Spending qualitative and quantitative time with our parents and siblings back home: "Charity begins at home." No amount of social activities that we do can compensate for the need to spend time with people back home.. Man is a social being and our society especially is held together by an intricate system of human relationships. This might turn out to be cliche, but the sad point is that we still ignore it. A happy family everywhere is a happy neighborhood. A happy neighborhood everywhere is a happy colony..... And so it continues. So what better way to make our very own people happy than by giving them our "Time qualitatively and Quantitatively.."

Well, the above are a few seemingly simple and trifle things that when followed by each one of us can make a huge impact to the well-being of society...Well, at 4AM in the morning, this is as far as my mind can go and it is time for me to sleep :-) I am sure that you people will have a lot of things to add to these.. I sign-off saying again "Drops of water make an ocean."
