Thursday, March 19, 2009


Namasthe ,

Welcome to my first post. I will devote this to explaining "WHY" I chose the title "REFLECTIONS" and also the URL for my blog "reflecttogrow" (Reflect to Grow).

Being a student of Electrical and Electronics, one of the subjects I have read and enjoyed is Control Systems. For those of you who do not know, a Control System is basically, as the name suggests, an entity that monitors or controls a system. There are broadly 2 types of Control Systems. Open Loop and Closed Loop Systems. To minimize the technical details, it will suffice to say that I have been a great fan of Closed Loop Systems, for the simple reason that there is a FEEDBACK from the output to the input, thus giving the option of keeping the system stable, which is absent in an Open Loop System.

Now comes the relevance. I have been amazed to see the perfection to which God/nature (However you might wish to interpret), has designed these natural Control Systems around us. To take an example, right from a simple phenomenon of "movement" to the complex process of "growth" of a living being is a regulated process. An analysis of a few minutes will tell us that everything in nature is regulated and will also drive home the importance of it being so.

Swami Vivekananda very rightly said "Whatever you think, that you will be!"
A look at society in general (myself inclusive), is not very encouraging, for we rarely "Think". The word "Think", when taken in a deeper sense becomes "Reflect." This reflection in fact is the "feedback" that ensures that our system called "Life" remains stable. Man's quest for perfection is never ending. In a society where every solution to a problem is becoming "Object Oriented", people very easily forget that there is "THE SOLUTION", that can solve every problem but it is "Subject Oriented". No doubt it has been said rightly "Everything is in the Mind." No doubt it is necessary to improve our physical standards of living, but more important is to improve our "mental standard of living." And for this, constant "Reflection" is the first step.

This blog is one more step in my effort to improve my own "Mental Standard Of Living." But it always helps to have a tangible record of our thoughts, for this not only aids reflection but also serves as an indication to the path along which we are moving. Hence the blog and also the name.

I will post both technical and non technical things in this blog, for as of now, I need to grow on either planes.

I should be grateful for any criticism and shall respond to all of those that fall within my limits.



  1. Namashte,
    Reflections of your ideas are very clear but i wanted to add one more point to your thoughts,the person think something because his/her surrounding has given him/her those thoughts to think(now you can think in the way you wrote because of your surroundings).so knowing this fact we have very big responsibility on our shoulders to give the good thoughts to our surrounding friends as we are also a part of their closed loop systems.

  2. great start sri homeless!

    for this blog - our replies are the responses indicating that we are the part of your closed loop :)chandresh

  3. Namaskara Avinash,
    No doubt. We do have a great responsibility. But then again, this is also one more channel where this dissemination of good ideas are possible. But the catch is that I/we need to constantly monitor ourselves to ensure that we are on the right track. For the very nature of the role we assume sometimes, makes us more responsible. Thanks again for reminding me of this and making the point more explicit.
