Sunday, April 10, 2011

Random Thoughts: About Civilization and Sensitivity

As I stood in the breakfast queue in office about half an hour ago, I was speaking to my mother over phone. The conversation drifted to a family friend of ours, who is in some trouble due to no mistake of hers(I prefer not to go into the details of this). The source of this trouble is the attitude of people towards their fellow beings. We claim to have become "Civilized"!!! But civilized "in what sense?" Well, if you ask me, I am quite sceptic about our so called civilized mannerisms. All that we see in society, at least most of the times, is about "projection" and "abstraction." We have been conditioned to "Judge" people. We judge people by their "looks", by their "position in society", by the "power" that they wield etc etc..... And finally we relate and interact with them based on the image that we have of them, after all these abstractions.
This greatly reduces our ability to truly relate to people and a relation so established (with the above projections) is highly dependent on the person retaining those through eternity...This is one part of it.
The next one is our "sensitivity" towards our fellow men. Have these so called civilized mannerisms brought out the "empathy" and "love" that we need to have towards our fellow beings?? A look at the "Urban, Progressive, Civilized Cities" will give an answer to the above question. How many times in a day do we consciously, leave alone unconsciously, try to help those around? We are more intent in securing ourselves to saturation (which never ends), building walls around us.....and the list goes on.

These are some thoughts that often crop up in the mind. There are few other interesting and pertinent questions. But those in the next post... Am in office and need to start working now :-) Did not want the thought flow to fade away. So posted it immediately.


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