Saturday, November 19, 2011

Random Thoughts:On the self proclaimed right to heaven

Swami Vivekananda says "Be not surprised at anything of this world." Getting to experience newer things, many a times strange ones, keeps on reminding me of the breadth of human imagination and the extent to which people can go to fulfill them. It also keeps reminding me of the strength that a "deep rooted idea" can wield..
I was listening to a talk by Sri.Rajiv Malhotra on youtube ( and followed up on a couple of things mentioned there and was a bit shocked to read the contents there.
The first project that I looked into was the 10-40 Joshua Project. A reading of the contents in this page, should be enough for a rational person to be able to see the narrowness of the assumptions.
People's inability to broaden their horizon of thought has been a perennial problem. And when narrowness combines with literacy, it is a dangerous problem to have. At this point I get one more interpretation for the difference between being "Literate" and "Educated." "Literate" people make a philosophy dry by confining its meaning to just "dictionary words". An educated person would exemplify the beauty of a philosophy by allowing it to blossom and embrace a more logical and lofty ideal.
The project I mentioned above seems to be driven by "literate" people. It is shocking to see the illogical interpretations that are given to teachings of the Christ. For example, at one place they say:

"Jesus said in Matthew 24:14 "This gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all the nations, and then the end will come." Jesus directly links His return to the fulfillment of the Great Commission."

Well, what an exalted interpretation of a teaching and tirelessly working to bring our "END" nearer!!!!

I admire the Christ and have seen a lot of people having been inspired by his message doing tremendous selfless work.
But when people distort philosophy/principles and use it for number games, it becomes a cheap trick.
If "Love of fellow beings" is your motto, then I see no logical explanation in having to convert someone. But if your love is confined to people of a particular religion, then that is no love, it is "Business." Somewhat of a "You are either with me or against me" attitude.

The intention of this short post in to just convey to that I had a "Nice Little Laugh" at the "Only savior" and "Waiting to be redeemed" assumptions of these people and I sign off praying "The savior save you" !!!
